Interface StructuredDataCapableAsset

    • Method Detail

      • getStructuredData

        StructuredDataNode[] getStructuredData()
        Get the asset's structured data information, possibly null if the asset does not use structured data.
        the StructuredData information, or null if the page does not use structured data
      • getStructuredDataNodesWithFieldId

        java.util.List<StructuredDataNode> getStructuredDataNodesWithFieldId​(java.lang.String definitionFieldId)
        the StructuredDataNodes that match given definitionFieldId
      • getStructuredDataNodeWithFieldId

        StructuredDataNode getStructuredDataNodeWithFieldId​(java.lang.String definitionFieldId)
        first found StructuredDataNode that matches given definitionFieldId
      • getStructuredDataNodes

        StructuredDataNode[] getStructuredDataNodes​(java.lang.String path)
        Return structured data nodes matching given path. The path contains node's ancestor group identifiers separated by "/". For example "employee-information/address/city".
        path - the structured data path to follow
        returns an array of top level StructuredDataNodes or an empty array if no matches are found
      • getStructuredDataNode

        StructuredDataNode getStructuredDataNode​(java.lang.String path)
        Returns first found StructuredDataNode identified by given path. This provides the same functionality as getStructuredDataNodes(path), but instead of returning all matching elements in form of an array, it will return first found element itself.
        Returns first for StructuredDataNode or null.
      • getDataDefinitionPath

        java.lang.String getDataDefinitionPath()
        Returns the path of the data definition
      • setName

        void setName​(java.lang.String newName)
        Set the asset's name
        newName - the new name
      • getDataDefinitionId

        java.lang.String getDataDefinitionId()
        A shortcut for getDataDefinition().getAssetId()