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ScriptFormat - Interface in com.hannonhill.cascade.api.asset.home
Represents a ScriptFormat.
searchAcrossAllSites() - Method in class com.hannonhill.cascade.velocity.LocatorTool.SearchQuery
SearchQuery() - Constructor for class com.hannonhill.cascade.velocity.LocatorTool.SearchQuery
Default constructor.
selectNodes(Object) - Method in class com.hannonhill.cascade.velocity.CascadeXPathTool
Wrapper for XPath.selectNodes(Object) that checks for a null context and throws a more meaningful error message.
selectNodes(Object, String) - Static method in class com.hannonhill.cascade.velocity.CascadeXPathTool
Wrapper for XPath.selectNodes(Object, String) that checks for a null context and throws a more meaningful error message.
selectSingleNode(Object) - Method in class com.hannonhill.cascade.velocity.CascadeXPathTool
Wrapper for XPath.selectSingleNode(Object) that checks for a null context and throws a more meaningful error message.
selectSingleNode(Object, String) - Static method in class com.hannonhill.cascade.velocity.CascadeXPathTool
Wrapper for XPath.selectSingleNode(Object, String) that checks for a null context and throws a more meaningful error message.
serialize(Element, boolean) - Method in class com.hannonhill.cascade.velocity.SerializerTool
SerializerTool - Class in com.hannonhill.cascade.velocity
Contains methods used to serialize JDOM objects during VelocityFormat page tranformations.
SerializerTool() - Constructor for class com.hannonhill.cascade.velocity.SerializerTool
setAuthor(String) - Method in interface com.hannonhill.cascade.api.asset.common.Metadata
setCaseOrder(String) - Method in class com.hannonhill.cascade.velocity.NodeSortCriterion
Sets the 's "case-order" attribute explicitly.
setData(byte[]) - Method in interface com.hannonhill.cascade.api.asset.home.File
Set the file's data as a byte array.
setDataType(String) - Method in class com.hannonhill.cascade.velocity.NodeSortCriterion
Sets the 's "data-type" attribute explicitly.
setDescription(String) - Method in interface com.hannonhill.cascade.api.asset.common.Metadata
setDisplayName(String) - Method in interface com.hannonhill.cascade.api.asset.common.Metadata
setEndDate(Date) - Method in interface com.hannonhill.cascade.api.asset.common.Metadata
setFeedURL(String) - Method in interface com.hannonhill.cascade.api.asset.home.FeedBlock
Set the URL of the XML feed this block will aggregate.
setHideSystemName(boolean) - Method in interface com.hannonhill.cascade.api.asset.home.FolderContainedAsset
Set to true in AssetFactoryPlugin.doPluginActionPre(com.hannonhill.cascade.api.asset.admin.AssetFactory, FolderContainedAsset) and the system name field will be hidden
setIncludeWhenIndexing(boolean) - Method in interface com.hannonhill.cascade.api.asset.home.PublishableAsset
Set whether or not this asset is to be included when indexing.
setIncludeWhenPublishing(boolean) - Method in interface com.hannonhill.cascade.api.asset.home.PublishableAsset
Set whether or not this asset is to be included when publishing.
setKeywords(String) - Method in interface com.hannonhill.cascade.api.asset.common.Metadata
setLang(String) - Method in class com.hannonhill.cascade.velocity.NodeSortCriterion
Sets the 's "lang" attribute explicitly.
setName(String) - Method in interface com.hannonhill.cascade.api.asset.common.DynamicMetadataField
Set the asset's name
setName(String) - Method in interface com.hannonhill.cascade.api.asset.common.NamedAsset
Set the asset's name
setName(String) - Method in interface com.hannonhill.cascade.api.asset.home.StructuredDataCapableAsset
Set the asset's name
setOrder(String) - Method in class com.hannonhill.cascade.velocity.NodeSortCriterion
Sets the 's "order" attribute explicitly.
setParentFolder(Folder) - Method in interface com.hannonhill.cascade.api.asset.home.FolderContainedAsset
Set the data transfer object representing the parent folder.
setParentFolderIdentifier(Identifier) - Method in interface com.hannonhill.cascade.api.asset.home.FolderContainedAsset
Set the parent folder's identifier, which specifies the relationship between this asset and its containing folder.
setReviewDate(Date) - Method in interface com.hannonhill.cascade.api.asset.common.Metadata
setSelect(String) - Method in class com.hannonhill.cascade.velocity.NodeSortCriterion
Sets the 's "select" attribute explicitly, which is an expected xpath expression.
setStartDate(Date) - Method in interface com.hannonhill.cascade.api.asset.common.Metadata
setSummary(String) - Method in interface com.hannonhill.cascade.api.asset.common.Metadata
setTeaser(String) - Method in interface com.hannonhill.cascade.api.asset.common.Metadata
setTextValue(String) - Method in interface com.hannonhill.cascade.api.asset.common.StructuredDataNode
Sets the text value of a structured data text node.
setTextValues(String[]) - Method in interface com.hannonhill.cascade.api.asset.common.StructuredDataNode
Sets multiple values for a text structured data node.
setTitle(String) - Method in interface com.hannonhill.cascade.api.asset.common.Metadata
setValue(String) - Method in interface com.hannonhill.cascade.api.asset.common.DynamicMetadataField
Sets the value of this DynamicaMetadataField.
setValues(List<String>) - Method in interface com.hannonhill.cascade.api.asset.common.DynamicMetadataField
Sets the values of this DynamicMetadataField.
setVariable(String, Object) - Method in class com.hannonhill.cascade.velocity.CascadeXPathTool
Defines an XPath variable and sets its value.
setXHTML(String) - Method in interface com.hannonhill.cascade.api.asset.home.Page
Set the page's XHTML content.
shuffle(List<T>) - Method in class com.hannonhill.cascade.velocity.ListTool
Site - Interface in com.hannonhill.cascade.api.asset.admin
Represents Site asset
SiteDestinationContainer - Interface in com.hannonhill.cascade.api.asset.admin
Represents a Site Destination Container asset
SiteManagementAreaAsset - Interface in com.hannonhill.cascade.api.asset.admin
Created by tomusiaka on 9/24/15.
siteName(String) - Method in class com.hannonhill.cascade.velocity.LocatorTool.SearchQuery
sort(Collection) - Method in class com.hannonhill.cascade.velocity.NodeSortTool
sortBy(String) - Method in class com.hannonhill.cascade.velocity.LocatorTool.SearchQuery
sortDirection(String) - Method in class com.hannonhill.cascade.velocity.LocatorTool.SearchQuery
space(int) - Method in class com.hannonhill.cascade.velocity.CascadeDisplayTool
StringTool - Class in com.hannonhill.cascade.velocity
This class contains methods that are not supplied by the String class, but are used widely in XSLTs and will therefore be made available in Velocity via this tool.
StringTool() - Constructor for class com.hannonhill.cascade.velocity.StringTool
stripTags(Object) - Method in class com.hannonhill.cascade.velocity.CascadeDisplayTool
stripTags(Object, String...) - Method in class com.hannonhill.cascade.velocity.CascadeDisplayTool
StructuredDataCapableAsset - Interface in com.hannonhill.cascade.api.asset.home
Identifies that an asset is capable of structured data.
StructuredDataDefinition - Interface in com.hannonhill.cascade.api.asset.admin
StructuredDataNode - Interface in com.hannonhill.cascade.api.asset.common
Represents a single Structured Data Node
sub(Object...) - Method in class com.hannonhill.cascade.velocity.CascadeMathTool
substringAfter(String, String) - Method in class com.hannonhill.cascade.velocity.StringTool
substringBefore(String, String) - Method in class com.hannonhill.cascade.velocity.StringTool
Symlink - Interface in com.hannonhill.cascade.api.asset.home
Represents a symlink (external link) asset.
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